
Friday, September 19, 2014

Visiting Great Grandmother Colo Gorilla

Your friendly blogger has been on the road  

visiting Bomassa and Apollo's relatives. That's why it's been so lonnnnnnnnng since your last update. She's now happy to share a few pics of these fascinating characters. Here is their great grandmother, Colo Gorilla, who lives in Columbus, Ohio. Find her in Bomassa's family tree.  Queen Bee, Granny Pants, Sweetie Face, Colo has earned many names because she is so well loved. She is so famous world over, that she has her own Wikipedia article, excerpted below.

Colo (born December 22, 1956) is a Western Gorilla widely known as the first gorilla to be born in captivity anywhere in the world and as the oldest gorilla in captivity in the world. Colo was born at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium to Millie Christina (mother) and Baron Macombo (father). She was briefly called Cuddles before a contest was held to officially name her. Colo's name is derived from the place of her birth, Columbus, Ohio.
Watch the video about Colo's birth. If you watch carefully, you may catch a glimpse of the new silverback who will soon join the troop in North Carolina. He, too was born at the Columbus Zoo. More on that in the days to come.

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